How the Recession Affects Productivity

I’ll give a couple of factors, mainly that pertain to Michigan.
1. Trades/Builders are short-handed due to the “Flight of Craftsman”
2. Banks won’t give credit. We are considered “High Risk” oxymoron I know considering they needed a bail out.
3. New strict regulations while contractors struggle as is.
4. Payment schedules from builders have been stretched from 30 to 60 days, if your lucky, and pricing for quality work has been cut by 30%

It all adds up to slower productivity and lower profits. I struggle to find a “Foreman” who can read blueprints, talk to customers, and sell a job like me. Pick your poison, it’s one or the other. The saying,”Hire someone to run your business” is a joke at this point because those guys are already “Self-Employed.”

I see positive growth throughout Michigan everyday. We will take back this State and make it the best again. You can’t just sit around and complain about what’s happening, Do Something about it. Join groups like and Motor City Connect to make a difference.

Or just hire me, because I will have kids going to college soon. 🙂

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